Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Saxophone Happy Birthday ~ Never-ending Card

Hello and Happy Hump day!  Today I have another Never-ending card I made for a customers brother.  I always ask what there favorite color is and what they like.  She wasn't sure on the color but she knew he liked music and played the saxophone so this is what I came up with.

The Saxophone guy is from the Cricut cartridge Quarter note.  I cut it out once in gold and once in black and then cut the sax out of the gold cut and added it to the black cut.  I really like how it turned out.

So there you have it, today's never-ending card. I hope you liked it, thanks for stopping in to take a look!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom ~Never-ending Card

Hi!! Guess what I have to show you today? Yep you guessed it, another Never-ending card.  This card I made for my sweet mother in law.  Today is her birthday so what better day to show off her card.
Again all cuts are from the Silhouette store. I love that place!

I haven't heard if she's received it in the mail yet but I'm pretty sure she will love it.
Thanks stopping by and taking a look!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Baby Banner

Good Morning! Today I wanted to show off a little baby gift I made for my daughters STUCO teacher at school.

The kids are so excited for the baby and for there teacher. They threw her a little baby shower at school. My daughter asked me to make a banner and this is what I came up with.

I love making banners!! I wish I had more time to do it.  I would make a banner for every person for every occasion.  But I don't have the time so when I do have to make a banner I enjoy every moment.
Well thanks for stopping by to look at my banner.  

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hawaiian happy birthday ~ Never-ending card

Hi and happy Saturday. I can't believe I am out of town at another travel baseball game for my son.  We were just at one on memorial weekend.  But they are doing fantastic and this weekend is the state championships.  Then they go to the World Series in August.  We are so excited!!

But anyhow, back to the post at hand.  I wanted to show a card I made for my nail lady for her mothers birthday.  

When I asked Jen what her mom liked she said Hawaii and flowers.  So I went wit a Hawaiian theme.  

When I hear Hawaii I think of hula girls.  I found this cute hula dancer in the Silhouette online store and thought shed be perfect.  Same with the hibiscus flower on front, perfect!  I've found since I got my silhouette I hardly use my Cricut.  But I guess I'll save that for another post. 

Then like any of my other never-ending cards I make the little pockets for you to write a message or even tuck money into.  I sew the pockets with sewing machine to give it a little added detail.  

Then the back I covered with the same paper from throughout the card.
    So what did you think?  I was happy with it and Jen said her mom loved it,yay!

Thanks for stopping in and taking a look.  I'm hoping to keep the posts coming!  Have a good day!!😀

Friday, June 7, 2013

Happy 12th Birthday~ baseball never-ending card

Hello and long time no post.  I knew I hadn't posted in a while but I didn't realize it had been this long.  I craft mostly everyday and have picture after picture of things to show.  But today I'm going to start with a card I made for my son, for his 12th birthday.
This year my son, Jaiden plays on a travel baseball team and well the team had a tournament up in Phoenix and it fell on his birthday.  He is a excellent ball player ( I swear I'm not just saying that because he's my son) and he loves❤ baseball ⚾.  So I customized this card to him.

                 Lately my signature card has been the Never~ending card. I can make one of these cards up real quick.  I've had many requests for them so you'll be seeing many many more.

I love it and he thought it was pretty cool too.  I even added some brown ink on the ball to give it a "dirty" look.  Then as you open up the card there is a baseball player batting one outta the park, lol

Then when you open it up again you find a couple hidden pockets where his dad, sister and I wrote him a little message.

Now apparently I don't have a picture with me of the back of the card.  But it's just all covered by the "All-star" paper.  I thought it turned out great, I just love maki g these kinds of cards.

Well thanks for stopping by and taking a look.  I've got blogger on my iPad now so maybe I can get more blogging squeezed in (*fingers crossed).  Have a great evening!!

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