Friday, June 29, 2012

My Exciting news!

Hi there everyone and guess what?  I told you I had some exciting news to share and well I can't hold it in any longer so........ 

I was skimming through blogs like we often do and well I saw a design team call over at Pause Dream Enjoy Challenges.  I had a lot going on that week so I wrote it in my little book so I would remember details and deadlines.  Well things were crazy and I realized it was the last day to submit for the position.  And by the last day I mean down to probably the last couple of hours.  So I gathered my information and I sent it off.  Well I kid you not when I woke up in the morning I had an email saying Congratulations if your reading this e-mail you made the team. (Happy Dance).  And to think I almost didn't even send because it was last minute.

We've all  ready started making our projects and wow what  a talented bunch of ladies.  I am so blessed to get to know them and to even put my work into the same category as theirs.  So stay tuned for a new adventure and challenges you might not have tried before.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope it's been a great weekend for everyone.  
I was at a crop on Saturday and I found this little cake cut that I had done a while back and didn't use so I decided to make a card.

The Cake was cut at 3" using the Doodle Charms Cartridge
I used stickles to make it shine
The background shape is from Lacy Labels Cricut Lite Cartridge
The Sentiment is from SU's Bring on the Cake stamp set.
The striped paper on the base of card is from my scrap stash.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look, I hope you have a fabulous Monday!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Hello everyone! I hope you all have been having a fabulous weekend! I woke up this morning to some fantastic exciting news so I've kinda been doing the happy dance all day LOL. (I will share my exciting news soon.)  Then I spent the day at a crop doing what I love to do so it's been one of those just all around great days.
I wanted to show you a quick card I had made for my husbands uncle or I guess it would be my uncle on my husbands side, haha!  

The Base of the Card is made from Kraft Cardstock
The background paper was a scrap I had laying around but it had been originally printed from my imagine using the Best Friends Cartridge.
The cut is from the Block Party Cricut Lite Cartridge
I didn't have a lot of time to make this card so I didn't look to hard for a sentiment.  I just punched on a white piece of card stock with the Fiscars scallop oval punch and just hand wrote the "Happy Father's Day"

Well thanks for taking the time to stop by and take a look.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mother's Day Never-ending Card

Yes you read that right it says Mother's Day.  So I've been a little behind in my blogging...LOL.  I made several of these identical to each other and decided to post them on our local city FB exchange.  I couldn't believe that they all sold.  I didn't even have one left for my mom.  But she got the never ending card last year so it was ok I made her a different card.

This inside of this particular card I left a couple pockets to insert little notes. It's too small for a gift card but that would've been a great idea had it fit

The flower bouquet I made using Kate's ABC's and then I stickled it like crazy. 

Here is a quick unprofessional look at this card I notice you can even hear the birds chirping in the background lol.

I don't know what I did with the picture of the back of the cards. But it was plain with the "mom" paper.  I made a how to video awhile back if you want to learn how to make this card you can go to here.

Well thank you for stopping by and even though Mother's Day this year has come and gone you can always make the never ending card for a different occasion.  This is one of my go to card styles, I love it!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Cupcake Gift Card holder

Hello everyone  I'm so excited to share with you these fabulous cupcakes.  These are made from items you most likely have all ready at home, well if your a crafter.  I got this idea from a video on YouTube and I will post it later on in this post if you'd like to give it a try.  My daughter and I tryed them one night straight from the video and here is what we came up with.  I absolutely love them.  The pink one is the one I made.

This is the one my 12 year old daughter made.

So the tittle said gift card holder.  Were you wondering how the heck this would be a gift card holder?  Well check this out...

I know so totally cool.  There is a Styrofoam ball inside that you cut to make the card slide in and out.  It's so much fun. Here are the directions....(Beware she has a lot of fun with this

Thank you for stopping by to take a look at my cupcake. Thank you Theresa aka thestampgoddes for the great video and directions.  

Teacher Autograph Book

Hello and happy Friday!  Today I wanted to share with you the Gift I made for my Son's 5th Grade Teacher this year.  Every year that my kiddo's were in Elementary I school I would go into the class at some time during the year and take pictures of each of the students.  Then I would do something for the teacher with each students picture in it.  This year is the last year I will be doing this as I don't have any more elementary school aged kids...(boo hoo) So I made an Autograph book for her to have each student sign.

I used the books that came in the mini YourStory.  I gave each student there own blank page in the book then added a small piece of  printed school themed paper to give it some personality.  There was plenty of room for them to sign a personalized message to there teacher.

I used the Locker Talk Cartridge for the big 5th Grade in the middle and for the Apple.  The Pencil was cut using Doodle Charm and 2012 I believe was cut using Cricut Alphabet.

The back I used the same printed paper as the front and added my signature name/bar-code.  She really seemed to love it.  We will miss Palmcroft Elementary School.   

Thank you for taking a look.  I would love to hear what you do to show your favorite teacher you appreciate them. Come visit me again soon!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Father's Day

Hello and happy Thursday.   Hope everyone is having a great day, I know I am.  I wanted to share with you a couple of Father's Day things I have made in last couple weeks or so.  I did an area show and they were a hit with people looking for that little something for dad.  

Candy Sticks, what dad wouldn't want 
Composition notebooks both in regular size and mini size.

Then a quick greeting card.

All of the cuts used were from the Father's Day Cartridge that I just picked up at our Joann's on Clearance for $14.97 so if you don't have it and are wanting to pick it up, try there.

Thank you for stopping by to take a look. I would love hear what you think.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Purse Gift Card holder

Hi and long time no post.  I've been so busy with end of school projects and what not I can't even believe it.
With Mothers Day and Graduation here  I had put together these Gift card holders. I couldn't believe how easy they were to make and how many people actually wanted to buy them.

I used CCR to make the cuts for these.  I took my Forever Young Cartridge and used 2 images welded together to make the purse and the pocket on the inside.  I then used Pop-Up Neighborhood for the flap of the purse.  I used Velcro to keep the purse flap closed and added ribbon for the handle.  

On the inside is a pocket which was punched using a Fiscar's border punch.  This particular one I stamped Happy Mother's Day but Sky's the limit as to what you could put in there.

Well thanks for stopping by to take a look and stay tuned I've got a cartridge giveaway coming up and a new and unique (well I've never seen it) Blog Hop coming soon!

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