Thursday, April 30, 2015

"Come Unto Christ..." Water Bottles

Today I'm having one of those days when things to do are just piling up and then something big and unnecessary just throws you over the edge.  You know the days when you just don't think you can take anymore on your plate.
It really hurts my heart when people we love make such wrong decisions.  I really wish they knew how much it effects those around them and not just themselves.

So while I've been struggling with these kinds of questions I thought I would share with you the water bottles I made for my Young Women in my ward at church.  

I made these last year.  Our theme was "Come unto Christ and be perfected in him..."  
I gave each girl one on her birthday.

I hope that as we see the world falling apart around us that they will remember to "Come unto Christ"  I wish I could make and give these bottles to everyone as a reminder but I don't have that much time or money for that matter.

I guess all we can do is pray for those who need strength and just do all we can to endure till the end. 

 Each bottle was personalized with the girls name.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

70 Sucks!!

Hi! Today I want to give you a little birthday inspiration.
Recently we celebrated my Mother-In-Laws 70th Birthday. 
It was a great party for close friends and family.
We stayed the weekend at a resort, it was fabulous!

I was in charge of some of the decor and went with
fun bright colors and candles.

This little "70 sucks" bouquet we had on the table.

I used those same candles for her gift bag.

I love to decorate gift bags! 
(Oh wait I love to decorate everything, lol)

I'm super sad because I cannot find a picture of just the banner.  
So I had to do this one.  Hopefully she doesn't read my blog. 
(If you do, I love you! :))

I also did cups for each party guest. Those I can't find a picture of anywhere.  So I will paint you a picture and you can use your imagination.  

You know that song "Red Solo Cup"?  Ok think of those cups but in a real plastic not disposable plastic. Now picture them in pink and blue and green.
You with me still?

Ok so then I put everyone's names on each cup in white vinyl.
  Pretty easy I thought. 
They were a huge hit!

Then the last thing that I did was make a little photo booth area.  I don't have a picture of that either but I do have a group picture of everyone using the props.

Well that's all I've got for you today.  Thanks for stopping in to take a look!

Personalized Coffee Mugs


So I wanted to show off a few Christmas gifts I did for family. 
I made one for each member of the family on my husbands side so
there was no confusion as to who's mug was whose.

I really liked how they turned out and I think they did too!

 Well thanks for stopping in and taking a look.  I'm hoping to be back tomorrow !! :)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Music themed French Horn Calendar

 Hi! Hope you've had a great Saturday.
I started a new job today. (You know because I didn't have enough on my plate with school and church and family and well life in general, LOL.)

No but seriously,  I am the new paper-crafting/scrap-booking instructor 
for our local Michael's.  

I'm super excited.

So here is the last calendar that I have to show you.  This one I made for my daughter.  
She is a Class president and also has a lot going on.  I wanted her to want to keep a calendar.
Since she is big in the band and plays the french horn I went with a French Horn design. 
Then added a personalized touch with her name.


The French Horn and the background shape I found in the Silhouette store and cut from cardstock.  I don't know if you can tell from this picture or not but the gold paper is actually glitter so it sparkles just like a real horn would in light.
Then her name is cut from white vinyl.  

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Calendar Re-make

Hi and Happy Saturday!  
Today I wanted to show you another calendar remake. 
 I made this one for my mother-in-law.

 This is a cut from the Silhouette Store.  
I cut the saying out of black vinyl and applied it to regular white card-stock.

You can see my last post  here for another Calendar idea.

So here is what the calendar looked like before. I got these little 7 3/4"x10" gems 
at the $.99 Only store which makes them even better!!

Thanks for stopping in and taking a look. 
Hope you have a fabulous rest of your day!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015



I Can't believe that it has been 7 months since my last post.  I by no means have stopped doing what I love and that is creating.  I don't think there isn't a day that goes by that I'm not creating something.  I have lots of pictures to prove it. 

 I decided to go back to school full time and am in my second semester.  To add school to my load on top of everything has been a big challenge.  But except the fact that it takes a lot of my time I really enjoy it.  The first semester I was going because I wanted to Coach High School Volleyball.  But  by the time I had started my second semester I was engulfed completely in the music program.  I am currently and have been for 3 years, playing the trumpet in the Local Orchestra.  Then this year I also joined the Community band.  So I took music classes at the college as well to help me improve my theory of music. 

So while going to school my creative business, SimplybySarah, has also kinda taken a slight turn in products and taken off.  I used to be strictly paper but I have a lot of requests for signage, vinyl decor and now Shirts, both vinyl and Rhinestone.  

. A resolution I made this year was to make the best of my time.  This to me will include getting my blogging fit in.  I know it's all ready April but hey better late then never, I always say.  

Because we are on the subject on organization and time management I'm gonna show ya what I use to keep my life planned and (somewhat) organized.

I took a basic calendar from the dollar store that was not a preferred design. I can't find a picture of it right off but it had cats on the front and we'll just leave it at that.  These calendars come with a clear plastic cover so I take the cover off, decorate the calendar and put the cover back on and it works perfectly.   If you were wondering, the design does go around to the back as well.  Its just the plain and pink Chevron pattern. 

You like what you see?  You want one of your very own customized for you? Send me an e-mail and I can get it done!

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.  I have a couple more calendars that I've done that I will show you tomorrow!!

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